• UK/Irish/SA trained paediatric OT/SLT’s are in high demand in Dubai 
  • Dubai has a huge expat community, providing lots of opportunities for meet-ups and events to get involved in.
  • Employers are keen for you to start in September as this is the start of the school year – lots of recruitment for paeds roles is in July/August
  • Most of the work in Dubai for OT’s is in pediatrics, this is due to the young demographic in Dubai
  • You will need a minimum of 2 years experience to work in Dubai due to the DHA license process. There is a one exception to this, where you can complete an internship to gain your DHA license, but your salary will be lower and we feel it is better to gain more experience in your home country so that you can be paid a higher salary in Dubai, gain confidence and enjoy the lifestyle in Dubai more Expectations Dubai is very multicultural and clients can have different expectations, it is very important that you are open minded, confident and able to deal with the wide variety of people that live in Dubai.
  • Companies will offer a salary, commission or mixed commission/salary. The salary range for paeds OT’s is around AED 15-30k per month which is tax free. All companies have to include medical insurance. Some companies will offer additional benefits such as x1 flight to your home country each year or they may be able to help with accommodation costs at the start e.g. 1 month rent or deducting this from your pay (but these additional benefits are not always offered with small paeds clinics). You will also be paid Gratuity (end of service benefit) once you finish employment if you work for more than 1 year
  • The set up fees for Dubai can be quite expensive as it is common for rent to be paid upfront for 3-4 months at a time as well as a 10% deposit. It is also recommended that you buy a car to enjoy Dubai (this is also often required for paeds roles) as there is not sufficient public transport (although Careem, similar to Uber, is quite affordable). Approx. rental prices for 1-2 bedrooms can vary between AED 80-125k per year. You cannot take out a lease for an apartment until your Emirates ID has come through which can take 1 month after arriving – you will likely need to book short-term accommodation/AirBnB for the first month. You may also want to use a realtor to help you find accommodation which costs around AED 9k. The application fees for your registration are split into 3 parts – registration application – AED 200, verification of documents AED 935, Activation of license (once you have secured a role AED 1000)
  • Visa (Work Permits) are for 2 years (renewable) & directly linked to your employer – you will need an offer of employment to be able to apply. Part of the application can be completed outside of Dubai, you will then be granted an Entry Permit. Once you are in Dubai, there are additional tasks that need to be completed including a medical check & Emirates ID before your full work visa is granted.

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